èßäAV Caminos is a program for Grades K–5.
In Grades K-2, the Knowledge Strand builds background knowledge and vocabulary through carefully sequenced read-alouds and complex texts. Teachers read stories aloud that are more complex than the text students can decode on their own, enabling children to engage with complex texts and build background knowledge of diverse connected topics in history, science, literature, and the arts.
In Grades 3–5, students are still focused on building reading and writing skills as well as knowledge and vocabulary, but the program no longer has two strands. The various lessons in each unit include read-alouds; whole group, small group, and partner reading; close reading; literal, inferential, and evaluative comprehension questions; vocabulary; grammar; writing; and unit assessments.
The èßäAV Caminos Skills Strand for K–2 is under development.