Our purpose
Dear teachers,
You do a job that is nearly impossible and utterly essential.
We are in your corner—extending your reach, saving you time, and enhancing your understanding of each student.
Thank you for working with us to craft rigorous and riveting learning experiences for your classroom. We share your goal of inspiring all students to think deeply, creatively, and for themselves.

Our commitment
Our goal is to make education, and thereby the world, more fair and accessible.
We create education products that celebrate difference in life and thought as well as ideals we hold in common.
We help teachers craft rigorous learning experiences that reflect the histories, cultures, and perspectives their students bring to the classroom.
We also help teachers support their students in constructing, questioning, expanding, and strengthening knowledge of where they come from and who they are becoming.
To do this, we hire and develop people with the broadest range of talents, life stories, and experiences, and together we build a cohesive team.